Media Kit

Jewish Original Media

About Jewish Original Media

Jewish Original Media (JOM) is a comprehensive platform dedicated to the exploration and celebration of Judaism, Israel, Jewish culture, and history. As a multifaceted digital content hub, our mission is to educate, entertain, and inspire through a diverse range of media channels. JOM serves as the parent brand for @onthisdayinjewishhistory, @dailyjewish, and the Two Tall Jews Show podcast, each offering unique insights into various facets of Jewish life.

Our Projects

On This Day in Jewish History

Explore the captivating Instagram and Twitter account, “Yesterday’s Lessons for Tomorrow,” with over 27,000 followers. Delve into daily snapshots of significant moments and milestones from Jewish history, fostering a deeper appreciation for our shared past and present.

Two Tall Jews Show Podcast

Immerse yourself in the engaging podcast that explores the intersections of Judaism, history, culture, and nuance. Tune in on all major podcast platforms for thought-provoking conversations, unique insights, and diverse perspectives on the multifaceted world of Jewish life.

Jewish Original Shop

Discover the Jewish Original Shop, an online e-commerce store offering original designed Jewish historical art on various items like shirts, tote bags, coffee mugs, and more. Celebrate your heritage with our unique and stylish products.

Torah Study Group

Join our online Torah Study Group, a community of learners who meet on Discord to discuss, learn, and study the Jewish Hebrew Torah. Engage in meaningful conversations and deepen your understanding of Jewish texts and traditions.

Jewish Original Collaborations

We take pride in our collaborations with other Jewish brands and businesses, working together to promote Jewish history, education, and significance. If you are interested in partnering with us, please get in touch.

Audience & Demographics

[Image Placeholder: Audience demographics chart/graph]

Our audience primarily consists of individuals interested in Jewish culture, history, and education. Our followers range from young adults to seniors, and our content appeals to a diverse demographic within the Jewish community.

Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer various advertising and sponsorship opportunities to help your brand reach a highly engaged and targeted audience. Options include sponsored social media posts, podcast sponsorships, and collaborations on product design and creation for our Jewish Original Shop.

For more information on rates and packages, please contact us at

Contact Us

To learn more about Jewish Original Media, our projects, or advertising and sponsorship opportunities, please feel free to reach out to us at or through our website’s contact form. We look forward to hearing from you and exploring potential collaborations!

Let’s Collaborate!

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~Meyer + Isaac

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