On This Day in Jewish History: August 28th, 1941


#onthisday, 1941, 23,000 Jews were killed by the Gestapo Einsatzgruppen near the Ukrainian town of Kamianets-Podilskyi.


When Hungary expelled their Jews, tens of thousands went to neighboring Ukraine. When the Nazis began their invasion of Russia and took control of Ukraine, things only got worse.


The Nazis tried to send the Jews back to Hungary, but Hungary refused to accept them. Instead, the Nazis decided that they would kill all of the Hungarian/Ukrainian Jews in Ukraine as part of the Einsatzgruppen (Nazi Death Squads) facet of the Final Solution.


Look out for a deeper convo on what the Einsatzgruppen were in next week’s episode of the @two.tall.jews_show


SS General Franz Jaeckeln said that he would deal with all of the Jews and “complete liquidation of those Jews by September 1.”


He was a few days ahead of schedule and #onthisday, August 28, he marched 23,000 of them to bomb craters at Kamenets Podolskyi where he then ordered them to undress. He then ordered his men to shoot every single Jew in the pit.


Any Jew who did not die from their sustained gunshot wounds, died due to the weight of the dead bodies that fell on top of them.


By the end of the Holocaust, over 600,000 Ukrainian Jews were murdered by the Nazis – most of them in this method of Death Squads and murder pits.


Text Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Einsatzgruppen

Image Source: https://www.angelofjustice.org/images/Polish-civiliansEXECUTED.gif

✍: @rebeccaroth01

