Today, we’re trying something new and sharing a special episode of the insightfully and joyfully Jewish podcast, A Bintel Brief. Check out their upcoming episode drop on September 15 that may or may not feature a short ad about us 🙂
In this classic Jewish advice column from The Forward, two mothers dish on the dilemmas of Jewish-American life, identity, culture and politics. This episode is one of our favorites: in it, hosts Ginna Green and Lynn Harris help a grandmother distraught by the news that her daughter might not raise her granddaughter in a Jewish tradition.
Tema Smith of 18Doors and Sharon Goldtzvik of Uprise join for a conversation about Jewish continuity. You can listen to A Bintel Brief at
Stay tuned for some awesome guests with such names as Rabbi Shlomo Litvin (volume 2), Sari Kopitknikoff, and Adiel Cohen.
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